Welcome to the Campaigning section of my website. I live and work in Kent and it is where I have served my local community for the last 20 years. I have been a Parliamentary Candidate twice in Coventry and award winning Councillor for leading innovative housing and health policy work, and I am currently Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Disability Group (CDG). This section of my website gives a flavour of the campaigns and policy work I have been involved in since I fought Coventry North East in 2015.
In all my political campaigns and policy work I have always fought to ensure everyone can reach their full potential and live as independently and as fulfilled a life as possible. From building dementia friendly towns and villages, making sure everyone has somewhere to live that meets their needs to removing barriers that can prevent disabled people from securing paid work. As a Conservative I passionately believe in opportunity for all.
To give you a better idea of what my housing and health work entailed you can read the articles I have had published in Conservative Home and the trade press in the 'articles' section of this website.